- The new year has started with new terms for WhatsApp users. If the conditions are not considered, then the account will have to be deleted. There is time till February 8 to think about whether to accept the terms or not. Worldwide, more than 200 million users use WhatsApp. Many questions related to these conditions must be arising in the mind. We are answering them.
- 1. What is the new policy of WhatsApp?
- WhatsApp is getting updates on new terms and privacy policies. It has been written that users will have to take this policy. It is in force from 8 February 2021. It will be necessary to Agree after this date. If you do not Agri, then you will not be able to use the account. For this, you can visit the help center. Right now the option of Agri and Not Now is available in the policy.
- It says that the company can upload, submit, store, send or receive content to WhatsApp to operate our services, the company can use, reproduce, distribute and display them anywhere.
- 2. Why did WhatsApp take such a decision?
- After approving this policy, WhatsApp will be able to access the data of more than 200 crore users. That is, she will also be able to share her data on other platforms. In the notification of the new policy, he has clearly written that now WhatsApp will share every information of yours with its parent company Facebook and Instagram. That is, WhatsApp can also earn money using its users' data.
- 3. How will the policy affect the user?
- It has been decided that if you run WhatsApp then this policy has to be done. That is, you will have to share your WhatsApp with the private company even if you do not want to. That is, WhatsApp will now keep a close watch on your data and your privacy will be completely lost. Think of it like this ...
- Advertisement to be decided by expenses: WhatsApp will track your bank name, amount, and delivery location. With this, Facebook-Instagram will also know your financial transactions. The company will be profiling you through transaction details. That is, if you eat idli-dosa, then you are not a rich man. If you go to Starbucks, you are rich. Then you will start seeing advertisements for expensive vehicles.
- IP address and location will be traced: WhatsApp has given the option that users can disable their location access. However, he has also said that the IP address and mobile number will give you an idea of when and where you go.
- Status is also not safe: WhatsApp will also read your status. The risk is if you wrote - tell which car to buy. So Facebook-Instagram will also read it and you will start seeing ads of cars, bikes. Just like if you wrote - where should you go to roam. Then many social media related advertisements will come on your social page.
- You will get content and analysis on content: WhatsApp will also give you the decoration of friends, groups, content, etc. In a way, WhatsApp will monitor your every action and analyze it. Facebook will show you shopping, product advertisements on this basis.
- There will also be an eye on the call: the company will know how many WhatsApp calls do you make? Which group is more active? How much is the broadcast list? Forwarding photos and videos will store more time on the server. He will know which content is getting more forward. This information will be important at the time of tracking fake news and elections. WhatsApp will also have access to catalogs shared with the business account.
- 4. Should the policy be accepted?
- The new policy is going to have a profound effect on the privacy of the user. That is, as soon as you sign a new policy of the company, it will also give them rights to access its data. The problem is that if you want to run WhatsApp then it is necessary to Agree to the policy. Because after February 8, the policy will have to be accepted. If you do not Agri, then your WhatsApp account will have to be deleted.
HIN hojjatu application kun bro hawai irratti
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